Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Life. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Helper

Ahh it seems like it's been a long time since I posted anything that I have made. Truth is I haven't made much of anything lately. Adjusting to work has been one thing, but also planning Cody's birthday and trying to spend lots of time outside while it's nice has taken up most of the time. I love the sun, so when it is shining I try to enjoy it.

I am just in the process now of getting my other blog printed. This was the blog I made just for Cody, as a way of journalling our first year together. So I went to and put my book together. I think it is going to awesome to have this. I admit since I started it, I didn't keep up with the other baby book that I had originally bought!

Anyway I am both happy and sad to be finished with that blog. I think I will start another one, that will sort of continue on with what I was doing for Cody, but perhaps it will include other types of pictures of our life. I think I will reserve this one mostly as a personal and crafting blog, and the other can be for the whole family (including any new additions that might come along)!
The day before yesterday I decided to get started on the final baby rag-time quilt that was ordered months and months ago. I have already finished the blue one and the pink one which I posted previously. Now this one is green and yellow since this couple won't be finding about the sex of the baby. It is due in September so I still have lots of time to complete it. But I thought hey, might as well do it now. I am feeling rather unmotivated lately to start any new projects (more on that later). Anyway I love the fabrics I chose for this quilt. The funky farm animals are so much fun, and the colors are bright and playful. Also, here is a picture of my little helper.
Rather than stand at the table and have him pull on my pant legs, I decided to pull him up on the table. The result: quilt squares flying everywhere! It was cute!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Number 1 Birthday

So yesterday was not only Canada Day, but also my little boy's FIRST birthday. I decided to go with the flag cake idea because I thought it would be fun. Also, he is too young to appreciate a horsey, tractor, or other type of cake. He's only one so he really had no clue what all the commotion was about. Here is a picture of the cake and the birthday boy!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Loving Nature

Today as I was out and about, I decided to grab my camera and take some pictures of the things in my yard. I love flowers and plants and I actually have quite a natural and planted assortment here.
It was such a nice day today. I am really appreciating the sun, since it has been such a rainy June so far. It was warm and sunny.
So aside from taking a bunch of pictures of baby today for his blog, I snapped a few of some pretty things!
The planter is actually an old freezer compartment to a fridge I think. I noticed something laying in the bush one day as I was walking down the driveway. So I pulled it out. My husband thought I was crazy, but I really like the look of it. So we washed it up and I planted some flowers in it! I love it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just a little update

When I first started this blog, I sort of started it just about crafts and posting things for sale. I didn't know (still don't) how to build a website for this purpose. Every now and then I would post a little thing about me and my life, such as being a mommy, trying to shed poundage etc. My focus was still crafts though.
Now after reading other peoples blogs, and learning about what helps a person sell on line I have decided to incorporate more of my life into this blog and not just post things for sale. I have almost completed my 1 year blog for my son, so I think I might be able to find a few extra minutes here and there to update this one. And also put some sweat and tears into my etsy shop. Things aren't moving fast there, but I know it's because there is so much to learn and I don't have a clue where to start!
Anyway I am so tired tonight as this was my first week off maternity leave and back at work. I have decided just to go part time, but it has still been a huge adjustment. I am very happy with my decision. I find I am relaxed since I have a wonderful sitter, and my son is doing so well! I feel very lucky today!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Horseback Saturday May 15

On Saturday we went horseback riding most of the day. It was a lot of fun, but I am paying for it now! My rear and shoulders are ultra sore! But that's okay. I need to get in riding shape for the trail ride on the 29th. It's a fundraiser, and is 26km long. This ol' horse Buck, needs to get into shape too. He hasn't been rode much in the past 10 years.
Les and I decided when we acquired these horses we would try to ride them since we have them anyway. We have had a few rodeo worthy episodes...mostly involving Les and not me! But they are starting to come around nicely. Actually Buck is so gentle that I can pretty much slack the reins and just relax.
All in all it was a good day! Nice and relaxing!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Few New Things



Here are a few new things I have made in the last while.

The bag I made for a customer using the pattern 2750 I have listed.

The flowers I made using a pattern I found here:

I didn't have any really nice synthetics to work with at the time, so this is more of a pratice one. I went to the city on the weekend and dug around in the bargain bin. Found some goodies to make more of them in the coming days.
I have so much on the go right now. I have to go back to work in a few weeks and I think I have created more stress right now than having to go back to work. I better get grounded!

New room! New Inspiration!

Ahhh I haven't had much time at all to post lately. I think I have made myself too damn busy! Anyway about 2 weeks ago, my mom took my baby for the day and I had the day to myself. I decided that I wanted to paint my sewing room downstairs and jazz it up a bit. Or basement isn't finished, but there is one room that is sorta done. It was the previous owner's sewing room and now it is mine. It's the only space in the house that I can have to myself that I can leave a mess and it doesn't show!
Anyway I painted it, sewed new valances and curtains for the closets instead of doors. I also had my hubby put up a new light so that I can actually see what I am doing now. I just need to get the trim boards up and a door hung and it will be complete. Well except for decor items which I will add as I find things I like. I actually need to have some bulletin or design boards up too.
So this is what it looks like so far. Nothing too fancy, but it is much cozier now and feels more like a part of the house than just some random chilly room. It really is cold in there. So I brought in a space heater since it is easier than lighting a fire every time I go down there. I am sure it will be a welcoming coolness when I summer comes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Little Diddies

I am off to take a nap right away but I wanted to add something to my blog.

Check out these sweet little fabric flower shaped yo-yos I made!! Aren't they cool! And they are so easy to make with the right tool. I will have to get the exact name of it, but I found it at a quilt store in Sherwood Park. It's actually a yo-yo maker. I didn't know there was such a thing. The best part is that it takes all the hard work out of it, and you can whip these off very quickly.

Anyway I think they will make great additions to some of the other things I already make.

Also, you will notice in the side bar that I have my Etsy mini available. If you click on it, it will take you right to my shop.
Further down the bar you will see a similar thing for the Alberta Street Team. This is a group of Etsians from Alberta! So it's a great link and tool to help you shop local and support crafters in your area! CHECK IT OUT!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Playing Catch-up

I have been away from my computer for a bit since I had to take it back in for a virus fix. It really bugs me that there are viruses out there that my antivirus doesn't pick up!!! I really didn't even do anything. I just did a search and bam this thing came up saying that I needed to update my security. And they really get you because it looks as if it is coming from your computer and not the internet. My advice DON'T BELIEVE these scams. It has already cost me!!!

Anyway now that I have my laptop back I can catch up on all the things that I have been wanting to post for awhile and the new things. This week has been crazy with the weather. I think it was on Thursday I went for a nice long walk with all the dogs, and baby and didn't need to wear a jacket. It was windy but really nice. Then over night I somehow ended up at the NORTH POLE. We had a huge snow storm blow in and now it's winter all over again. Look at the pictures I have posted. All the snow had melted, even the chickens were out pecking away at the ground. Then look at that snow pile! It was drifted so much that I couldn't open the patio door.

Oh and what I fine time for my cat to get stuck in a tree. The wind was blowing so she probably got scared and didn't come down. I don't know how long she was up there, but yesterday I heard her crying so I went looking. There she was!!