Showing posts with label Green Bananas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green Bananas. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

Denim purse with Flower Yo-Yos

Today I was lucky enough to have the majority of it to myself. My hubby took Cody out for the day to get him out of the house so I could have a quiet day. I first cleaned the house (much needed)and spent a little time outside to cut the grass. Actually I just needed to do something outside, because it was too nice to pass up. The sun was shining, which something we have hardly seen in the last 4 months. Anyway after that I spent sometime figuring out a layout for a new baby quilt and I put together this cute medium sized purse. I used some old jeans for the denim and finished the inside with a funky and colorful quilting cotton. It's the same one that I used for the strap etc on the last denim bag I posted. I also used this cotton to form the flower yo-yo's on the front of the bag. They are super cute!

I hope to get several more bags done soon. I am going to have a table at a local area craftshow at the end of November. It's in a small community called LaCorey. I am excited and nervous. I always am when I put things on display! Likely I will eventually get this bag listed in my Etsy shop. For now it's here!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Green Bananas: Use for Scraps etc

Over the past few months I have been saving my scrap pieces of fabric in a bag. These are the uneven edges I trim off, pieces that I can't use for anything else, also ripped items like sheets or other bedding or linens whatever. It can all go in the bag instead of throwing them out!

And what can you do with this stuff you ask? Lots of things. these scraps are great to fill items like a pet bed...which is what I am going to do with mine for Maxi-moo who needs a new bed outside. It beats buying an expensive bed, that is going to get very dirty and wrecked eventually!

You can stuff pillows (cut it up though so it's not lumpy), pin cushions etc.

When Max's bed is complete I will post a picture, and likely a tutorial for do-it-yourselfers. It's very easy! For now, here is a picture of us and Max. We were trying to take some maternity/family pictures of my husband and I. BUT Max kept pushing his way into the pictures. Finally we gave up! Look at how happy he is!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easy Rag-Time Baby Pillow with Initial POST #1

This is a fun and super easy project you can do in very little time. It can also be a great way to use up a few odds and ends!
To further make this a "green project" stuff your pillow with all the left over scraps you have in your sewing room. Or if you have an old pillow that you don't use or like anymore, make this project to cover it and give it new life! HAVE FUN!

1. Select a fun flannel from your stash for the body (front and back) of your pillow. Also select a contrasting color for the letter you will sew on the front. For the letter you can use craft felt, denim or another fabric of your choice.

2. Cut fabric to the desired size with RIGHT sides OUT and wrong sides together. Be sure to allow for approx 3/4 inch seam allowance.

3. Using a word processing program on your computer, select a font and the letter you want. Increase the size to as size that will fit onto your pillow. Print and cut out the letter.

4. Place the paper cut out onto the fabric you picked for the letter. Make sure you orientate it properly so that when you flip the fabric to the RIGHT side, the letter is correctly positioned.

Continued in next posting...

Easy Rag-Time Baby Pillow with Initial POST #2

5. Center or orientate the letter on one piece, the front, of the pillow. You can baste this in place to help keep it from moving while you sew. Or you can use a heat bonding product between the letter and the pillow fabric and iron it down. (see photo below). It will now stay in place while you sew.

6. Sew around the edge of the letter. You can use an applique stitch, zig zag stitch or a straight stitch. OR if you prefer, you can hand stitch it with embroidery thread. Get creative!

7. Once the letter is sewn in place clean up any thread ends. Place the front and back pieces of the pillow together, with WRONG sides together and pin in place.
8. Starting approximately 2/3 rds of the way down on one side begin sewing leaving the 3/4 inch seam allowance. Continue to sew around the entire edge of the pillow leaving an opening on the side you began with.

9. Using sharp scissors or fabric snips, snip the edges (seam allowance) approximately every 1/4 inch. DO NOT cut through your seam. Do this all the way around the pillow.
10. Stuff your pilllow beginning with the far corners and working your way toward the opening. Stuff the closer corners well.
11. Pin and sew the opening shut.
12. To get frayed or worn edges, the pillow should now be washed and dried. NOTE- if you think that your stuffing will get lumpy after washing, then wash the casing first to fray the edges. Press with iron, stuff, and sew shut.

NOTE: It is not recommended to have soft items such as pillows and stuffed animals in the crib with a sleeping baby. Always remove these items before putting baby to sleep. These decorative pillows look great on a rocking chair, or atop the dresser. Also a great car pillow! ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Green Bananas (this isn't my own picture)

Here's a funny thing about the name of my blog "Hannana-bananas"...I actually HATE bananas. I despise them! Everything about them, their smell, taste etc! So why did I name my blog this, well it's because it's a nick name that people have given over the years rhyming my name and bananas. So I thought hey, why not? It's fun and different.

I am starting a new little subsection or label on my blog. It's called Green Bananas. In this section you will see ideas for keeping sewing and other craft projects "green" or a little more environmentally friendly. I will show you different projects that you can do with scrap fabric and other rif-raf you have hanging around the house. So enjoy! These projects are easy to do and have little cost involved. The best part is they use up all the odds and ends you don't know what to do with. OR gives you a reason to save those odds and ends.

Have FUN!!